The Museum Re-Visited

I received the following email from a reader who visited Saigon and the Museum where is Plaque is. The Museum has changed its name from "The Revolutionary Museum" to "The Ho Chi Minh City Museum."

Those parts of the email germane to this issue are provided below:

Subject: Embassy Plaque
Date: Wed, 30 Jan 2002 10:25:22


On Monday, 28 January 2002, I visited the Ho Chi Minh City Museum (formerly the Revolutionary Museum) during lunch. I asked about the plaque and was told that it was locked up and that the Museum director was the only one who could authorize me to view it.

After lunch I called and was told by the director that if the plaque was still there and that if I wanted to see it, I needed to [have the permission of] the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Ho Chi Minh City [before] I be allowed to see the plaque....

Well, now, isn't THAT an interesting development! The plaque is still there, but is now under lock and key. One has to go through some pretty complicated hurdles to even see it, if in fact that would be possible. (This particular visitor was unable to take the time to jump through those particular hoops.) And, it seems that the Socialist Republic of Vietnam is a bit more sensitive to this matter than even OUR OWN Government is! At least they've acknowledged its existence and DONE something about it! They've even changed the name of the Museum.

OK! Call me suspicious. But I think we've hit a nerve here.

Am I the only one who's willing to holler "Bull Shit!"?

RETURN to the Plaque Story