What is a Nam Vet?


He is a man who once was a boy who loved to joke and play with his buddies.


He is a man who once never believed in fear or death.


He is a man who in one day learns that fear was real.


 He is a man who grew up very fast in a world of real life death and not the games you play as a kid when you play cops and robbers.


He is a man who learns to cry when fear over took him.


He is a man who learns to have faith in his buddies to help him survive in battle.


He is a man who came home to hate and scorn from his friends.


He is a man who now must live with the demons of his past.


He is a man who must now live in a world of life, love and pain.


He is a man who must deal with his wounds that he brought home from a war far from home.


He is a man who must stand sometimes alone but always with the love and faith of his family and those who have been there also.


What is a Nam Vet he is a man who still can stand tall in his heart and who still believes in his country.



Guy L. Jones (110801) Co A & Hq,43d Signal Bn, Pleiku Vietnam 68-69.